Creating a Social Venture

Mar 13, 2007

Last Sunday we came closer to helping the SEEDs women realize their entrepreneurial dreams. We are closing in on one over-arching business that will contain all the others and help make SEEDs self-sufficient. Tasks have been assigned in the writing of a business plan that will contain plans for both profit and mission.

In the mean time, we are all bonding. The women have been through so much!

I was also contacted by another program, part of the Phoenix Rescue Mission. We will have a conversation about our program and whether it’s right for them, too.

And now to fund OURSELVES…I’ve begun planning the Second Annual Arizona Entrepreneurship Conference, which will once again benefit OTEF. We’ve already begun the preliminary planning. This year, we are looking for better pre-event space and easier parking. I’m in discussions with both the Biltmore and the Airport Marriott on 44th Street, which is right off the freeway.

Pat Sullvan has graciously agreed to be one of the keynotes, and we are going to try to get Ken Blanchard to speak as well.

Now is the time to submit your ideas for making the conference better and more relevant. What does it need? What can you contribute? Should we build it around financing? Business models that work?

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