AZAdvances Donor Wall

Visit the AZAdvances Donor Wall to view the people and organizations working to create a vibrant health innovation ecosystem in Arizona.

AZEC Wall of Fame

OTEF’s strength comes from the many great partners, volunteers and sponsors who make our programs possible.  Our thanks go out to the LaNelle Robson Foundation for their generous gifts in 2016 and 2017 and to all of the community members who have supported OTEF’s mission: 

Francine Hardway and Michael Gerber at AZEC06

Francine Hardway takes a bow at AZEC 14

Amanda Vega PR, Angel Capital Education Foundation, Anil Jain, Annie Loyd, Arizona Small Business Association, Arizona Angels, Arizona Department of Commerce, Arizona Internet Professionals Association, APS, Arizona Republic, Arizona State University, Arizona Technology Council, AZ Webcasting, Barbara Daniels, Blackerby Associates, Brain Savers, Brent Richardson, Business Journal of Phoenix, Callaman Ventures, Chris Heuer, Chris Pirillo, City of Mesa, City of Tempe Economic Development Department, City Of Phoenix, Clay Stubblefield, Club Entrepreneur, CorePurpose, Craig Newmark, Dave Cooke, Dave Lee, Dave McClure, Deru Internet Services, Dan Morrison, Dignity Health,  Dixon Golf, Don Henninger, Ed Nusbaum, EmpowHer, Entrepreneurs’ Organization, Ephibian, Essential Event Technologies, Faith Weese, FlyPaper, Flowtown, Francine Hardaway, Funding Universe, Gitenstein & Assadi Public Relations, Infusionsoft, ,Gangplank, Henry G. Miller,  Howard Lindzon, Gary Vaynerchuk, Grand Canyon University, Grid7, Ignite Phoenix, International Research Center, Jigsaw Health, Joan Koerber-Walker, Kathy Sacks, Kauffman Foundation, KFNN, KTAR, LaNelle Robson Foundation, Linda VandeVrede, Lisa Ellis, Lon Safko, Lynn Paige, Marianne Hudson, Maryanne Weiss, Marc Canter, Maricopa Chamber of Commerce, Mark Goldstein, Mark Suster, Matt Mullenweg, McMinn HR, Merlin Ward, Metro Studios, Michael Gerber, Mike Hawksworth,  Michelle Hanna, PhD, Michelle Robson, Microsoft, MIT Enterprise Forums, Millon Family, Morris Callaman, MSS Technologies,, Pam Slim, Pat Sullivan,  Patrick Sullivan, Paul E. Bendheim, MD, Paul Sanders, Paula Satow,  Perfect Power, Peter Burns, Peter Thomas, Phillip and Alice  Blackerby, Phil Gordon, Phoenix Innovation Foundation, Pillsbury Wine Company, PodCampAZ, PourMasters, Raleigh Pinskey, RiboMed Biotechnologies, Rick Gibson, Robert Dunaway, Roberto Guerreri, Robert Scoble, Sacks Public Relations, Sam Pillsbury, SCORE, Sherry Azzarella, Shwaag, Snell and Wilmer, Social Media Club Phoenix, SRP, Stealthmode Partners, Steven Groves, Swartz and Associates, Susan Assadi, Tara Hunt, Telesphere, Teri Spencer,, TIE Arizona, U.S. Small Business Administration,William Carey, WordCamp Phoenix