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Cryptocurrency, Stocks, and More

There’s a reason high net worth individuals tend to donate assets instead of cash. Donating cryptocurrency or appreciated securities directly to a 501c3 nonprofit is more tax efficient and can save you money. Learn More

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More ways to give

The Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation welcomes donations of appreciated securities, private equities, gifts from community foundations or planned giving accounts as well as pledge or legacy commitments.   To learn more, contact us.

About Your Donation

Your donation receipt will record the amount of your donation. 

OTEF is a 501c3 charitable organization and we gladly provide official gift letters so that you and your accountant can determine what you can write off at the end of the year.

Governance and Transparency

OTEF is committed to maintaining good governance policies and to sharing information with our donors and our community. 

To view our GuideStar profile, click here.

Reports:  Copies of OTEF’s annual report to the State of Arizona, OTEF’s IRS 990 reports, IRS determination letter, and governance policies are available upon request. 

Contact us for more information.